Custom reporting

Research | Clinical Trials | AI development

Making, recording and communicating image measurements with Motilent Custom Reports built into Entrolytics.


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Introducing Motilent’s eCRF

Key Features

  • Modality agnostic
  • Precise, linked measurements 
  • Customisable with bespoke tooling
  • Annotate anywhere, collaborate with anyone
  • Build the next imaging AI through export & our API

Modality agnostic

Custom Reports work with any imaging modality found on Entrolytics (MRI, CT, Ultrasound, Video (including Endoscopy) and Histopathology. A range of tools from 3 dimensional lengths and volumes, binary checkboxes, VAS scales and free text are available along with logic to provide summary scores.

Case study: IBUS SAS

The IBUS SAS is an ultrasound based index of disease activity in IBD. The index combines bowel wall thickness, evidence of perfusion (doppler) and presence of oedema using a waiting described in Kerri et al. 

2.BWT * 4.Doppler *45 = IBUS SAS

Right, the eCRF automatically loads serial measurements and performs computation for the score. 

Linked measurements

We connect a user annotation to the image within a dataset along with date, time and measurement history.

  • User login tagged to image Instance UID
  • Time, date and location of annotation recorded
  • Results saved as part of report
  • Edits and updates recorded
  • Extracted via Python Notebook for AI/ML training
  • Free text as well as numerical and categorical information can be recorded

How to build your eCRF

We have a large library of existing, validated indices for GI disease ready to use but many projects need custom reports. We’re here to help.

What do you want to measure? 

Reach us at and complete our questionnaire

What tools do you want to use?

Motilent provides a range of GI-specific measurement tools

Define your acceptance criteria 

Test your form ahead of release with our customer success team and make final additions. 

Go forth and run your study 

Add users to your project, provide access to reports and complete any study any size

Build an AI

Expert annotations + robust data produce insights and the basis for computer-augmented care of the future. Motilent Custom reports combined with curated data on Entrolytics can get you started quickly on the path to developing the next big thing.


Not not yet, we have this feature on our roadmap however the need for verification and validation means this is currently an in-house process.

Custom reports generally need to be covered by an implementation cost. However, depending on your project and resources, we can make existing reports available at a low to no cost.

Motilent Custom Reports can be incorporated into part of a compliance process but can only be a link in the chain of an overall compliant workflow. Data must be consented and de-identified appropriately.

Yes, the majority of our customers are HEI and consortia conducting multireader studies.

Get in touch if you'd like to learn more